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Message From The Menahel

Rabbi Newman

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דבר תורה

פרשת אחרי- קדושים

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דבר תורה

פרשת תזריע-מצורע

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ערב שבת  פרשת ויקרא

This weeks פרשה imparts a great message regarding the  כח of each individual.

"אדם כי יקריב מכם קרבן " -The פסוק begins with a  לשון יחיד - a man, an individual who brings. However, the פסוק concludes בלשון רבים - "תקריבו קרבנכם".

Perhaps the פסוק alludes to the words of Rav Chaim Volohzhiner in his נפש החיים.

כל איש ישראל אל יאמר בלבבו ח"ו כי מה אני ומה כחי לפעול במעשי השפלים שום ענין בעולם

A person should never feel - who am I, of what significance is my pithy deeds in the scope of a huge world with many great individuals.

אמנם יבין וידע ויקבע במחשבות לבו   One should understand and know, he should set in his heart.

מה רבו מעשיו ומאד גדלו ורמו.  How huge are his actions, how great and exalted and far reaching they are? Rav Chaim continues and expounds how each person’s deeds, his every action, his smallest thoughts effect everyone, everything and every sphere....

In light of this, we could now understand the פסוק as follows:  "אדם" - even when a יחיד, an individual brings a קרבן it is פועל- it effects the entire ציבור -as if all of כלל ישראל brought a קרבן. An individual’s actions effects and betters the world for everyone.

During these trying times as we face a worldwide צרה we can think "what can I do already, will a small change in myself make A difference in the world?" The answer is YES! our abilities are tremendous. Each and every one can בעזרת ד' make a huge difference and impact.


A Gutten Erev Shabbos.  Health and ישועות  to all בעזרת ד' יתברך.

As we sit at home already over a week many thoughts go through my mind. Are all the talmidim and their families safe and healthy? Is each bochur taking advantage of the conference calls to listen to shiur? Is the time being utilized to review and be קונה  the mesechta? Are we davening with extra כוונה? Are taking the advantage of the opportunity to be מקיים the mitzvah of כיבוד אב ואם? I know it may be hard to do all this when we are all alone. We miss the כח החבורה. Perhaps we underestimated the gevaldiga ruach that we were all part of.


While learning chumash and rashi this past week (now may be an opportunity to spend extra time on חומש  and רש"י) I was נתעורר from the Medrash Tanchuma that rashi quoted on the posuk ויביאו את המשכן אל משה  which explains that the משכן was too heavy to lift. משה רבינו was anguished that he did not partake in the actual מלאכת המשכן and so Hashem made it that no one could erect it so that משה רבינו would have the opportunity to do so.  משה רבינו questions Hashem: The משכן is so heavy, how will I be able to so. הקב"ה responds place your hands as if you are lifting and I will allow it to lift itself. The obvious question arises. How did this pacify משה רבינו ?  He felt bad for not physically partaking, yet now, he still did not  as it was only an illusion.

My shver, the Rosh Hayeshiva, Harav Shraga Moshe זצ"ל explained that man is truly incapable of doing anything by himself. Even the slightest task could not be accomplished without heavenly assistance. It is all הקדוש ברוך הוא. For Moshe Rabbeinu to put his hands and make a human effort is in reality all that one can do. The Midrash elsewhere adds that hashem says לא לפי כוחי אנוכי מבקש אלא לפי כוחכם אנוכי מבקש  I don’t request of you to do according to my abilities, rather, I request of you to do accomplish according to your abilities.

At these trying times Hashem wants us to do our best under the circumstances. Daven your best, learn your best. Whatever you do it should your best. Hashem only demands of us to do “לפי כוחכם”. May הקב"ה see that we are doing our best and the rest he will בעזרת do for us.  ! חזק ואמץ      


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    "ויהי מאת ככר הכסף לצקת את אדני הקדש ואת אדני הפרכת מאת אדנים למאת הככר ככר לאדן   "שמות פרק לח כז 


"The one hundred kikar of silver should be used to make the holy adanim (sockets) one hundred adanim."


The בעל הטורים writes that כנגד the number of one hundred תקנו ק' ברכות בכל יום.

Chazal established that one is required to make a 100 berachos every day. Corresponding to the 100 אדנים that were in the משכן.

The חידושי הרי''ם explains that the mishkan in our generation is potentially each and every yid, as it says ושכנתי בתוכם- which חז''ל interpret as בתוך כל אחד ואחד.

The foundation of today's משכן is the hundred  daily ברכות that we say.

They are called אדנים, explains the חידושי הרי''ם, because through the ברכות we become aware that hashem is the אדון, the master of the world.

The טור או''ח סימן מו writes every day one hundred people of בני ישראל died, דוד המלך, through רוח הקודש, underestood that כלל ישראל should be sure to make מאה ברכות בכל יום reciting 100 ברכות each day would stop the מגיפה.

The לבוש explains that the plague came due to a lack of gratitude that the yidden displayed towards hashem's kindness. Many of their daily heads were taken for granted. דוד המלך understood that by instituting מאה ברכות בכל יום a greater awareness of the chasdei hashem will be fostered.

We are currently experiencing a serious מגיפה, albeit baruch hashem it has not reached the severity of the times of דוד המלך, nonetheless a serious situation. We are finding shortages and rationing of basic necessities that until now were in such abundance.

Perhaps we took the chesed hashem for granted.

Let us be מחזק ourselves in הכרת חסדי השם and be מחזק in מאה ברכות בכל יום בכוונה.

The tremendous response to the shiurim via phone conference was very inspiring. חזק ואמץ, to each בחור.

May we be זוכה to a speedy ישועות השם.



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