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IMPORTANT: Bring Along A Gemara Mesechtas Sukkah & Ksubos.
As Well As A Mishna Brurah 6th Chelek
Dear Parents: עמו"ש
!שלום וברכה נצח
We hope that this correspondence finds you and your family in the best of health and faring well.
As the זמן draws to a close, we must first and foremost raise our voices in שבח והודאה to הקב"ה that despite the fact that the yeshivaהק' was closed down, learning never stopped. Bezras Hashem the בחורים continued to learn with התמדה and a ברען . Who would have dreamed that under such trying circumstances תורה would flourish? Truly a fulfillment of the words of the Tanchuma לא ימושו מפיך ומפי זרעך ומפי זרע זרעך" “ that Hakodosh Boruch Hu established ישיבות לישראל and they will never be בטל .
We must thank our devoted and dedicated Rabbeim who gave of themselves בלב ונפש to enable their תלמידים to continue shteiging in a meaningful manner. The cheshek and bren of the בחורים is a testimony to their dedication and commitment to תורה .
May the תורה that was learned “באף “ stand with them for the years to come.
The next few paragraphs בעזרת ד' will outline the סוף זמן and summer plans.
Shiurim will continue אי"ה through Monday Rosh Chodesh Tamuz, June 22nd. The last lesson for General Studies was posted today, Thursday June 18th.
All general Studies work should be submitted as soon as possible. The work assigned over the past eight weeks has been quality work, culled primarily from past regent exams. Excellent work has been returned by the students and thus t we have opted to forgo final exams. Grades and regent equivalency scores will be based primarily on the work submitted. Please see to it that your son returns all the work.
A special thanks to Rabbi Ehrlich and his staff who outdid themselves with amazing and professional work. Their lessons and constant feedback enabled each class to complete the years’ work.
Report cards for both Limudei Kodesh and General Studies will be issued shortly after the school year ends. If your son has any textbooks at home, please have them return them. The Mesivta floor will be open the entire week. Additionally, lockers should be emptied and private seforim and personal belongings should be taken home. The Yeshiva cannot assume responsibility for any articles left over the summer.
As you are well aware, Governor Cuomo does not allow overnight camps to open as usual. Under the circumstances there are various different options and approaches that can be taken to allow our talmidim to attend תורת חסד . The Township strongly encourages Toras Chesed to open and is working hand in hand with them to gather alternative permits to do so. As of this writing we are extremely optimistic that camp will open albeit a little later than we anticipated. We trust בעזרת ד' that everything will fall into place על הצד היותר טוב and we will open on Monday or Tuesday the last week of June.
Only those testing negative for Covid-19 or those with antibodies who have not experienced any symptoms in fourteen days prior to the onset of camp will be allowed to attend. If your son has not been tested, please do not delay! Have him tested as soon as possible as some labs take longer to release results.
As soon as our plans are finalized, a Toras Chesed application will be emailed. It is important that you respond immediately, as processing and admitting is a very time-consuming task. Together with the application there will be detailed guidelines outlining how camp intends to create a safe and healthy environment under the current conditions.
Feel free to call our office with any questions and concerns that you may have.
Wishing you an enjoyable and healthy summer.
Rabbi Eliyahu Newman Rabbi Shmuel Kunstlinger
Daily Schedule:
10:15am- 1:00pm - First Seder
2:10pm תהילים ברבים followed by קיצור חפץ חיים
Dial (701) 801-6082, Please do not announce yourself
Followed by Mincha (off the phone- but all together at the same time)
2:30pm- בקיאות שיעור
6:45pm- Rabbi Schulgasser's Halacha Shiur-- Dial (917) 932-8639
7:00pm- משמור
8:00pm- Rabbi Stern's "Morning Shiur"
Dial (701) 801-6082, Please do not announce yourself

סדר היום
10:15am- 1:00pm - First Seder
2:10pm תהילים ברבים followed by קיצור חפץ חיים
Followed by Mincha (off the phone- but all together at the same time)
2:30pm- בקיאות שיעור
7:00pm- משמור
8:00pm- Rabbi Stern's "Morning Shiur"